

Just run topgrade.


See config.example.toml for an example configuration file.

Configuration Path


topgrade will look for the configuration file in the following places, in order of priority:

  1. CONFIG_DIR/topgrade.toml
  2. CONFIG_DIR/topgrade/topgrade.toml

If the file with higher priority is present, no matter it is valid or not, the other configuration files will be ignored.

On the first run(no configuration file exists), topgrade will create a configuration file at CONFIG_DIR/topgrade.toml for you.


It is important to note that Topgrade may be unable to upgrade certain applications used for launching it, including third-party terminals like cmder.

We suggest either creating a shortcut for 'topgrade--keep' or running Topgrade via your preferred shell.

Please note that if installed via scoop, Topgrade may fail to upgrade itself unless self_rename = true is set in topgrade.toml.